Thursday, April 16, 2009

Gardening at your Igloo, and new updates on the 24th!

Hey, FITH here.

We've got a sneak peek for the Better Igloos Catalog, and it's based on a garden theme!

There's flowers, plants, and triple-decker trees expected for you to buy tommorow! We'll give you the cheats later tonight.
Happy77 interviewed himself (in my perspective) and gave answers to some questions about the catalog. Here is the Q&A taken directly from the post;
Where do you get your ideas for making furniture and items for igloos?
"We love getting ideas from players and it's fun to pay attention to what's going on in the game. If players are saying they want something, we try to make it!"
Have you ever considered making couches out of candy?
"Yes. I remember there was talk about it around the holidays. So far we haven't but we'll have to wait and see."
What's your fave furniture item of all time?
"I really like the Koi Pond because of the animated fish. I have three in my igloo."
Here's the link to the blog post on the What's New blog:
Also, there have been reports of two things happening on the 24th of April. One is that members will be able to get a new sled for Sled Racing. It apparently makes you faster, allowing you to have a better chance to win. The other one is new tunes for Dance Contest, which seems cool! Can't wait for these to come in effect in about a week!
I'm gonna e-mail CP 'bout an idea I had. The idea is a medal system for Dance Contest.
This is my e-mail:
"To Billybob, rsnail, and Club Penguin staff:
I actually have an idea relating to Dance Contest, and the addition of new tunes.
My idea's called "Dance Medals".
There's four difficulty settings. Easy, Medium, Hard, and Expert. If you beat all songs in one difficulty setting, you'd get a medal. Beating Expert would give you a Hardcore Dancer wristband for your penguin to wear (signed by Cadence,) to show other penguins that you beat Expert.
This is an idea that I really want you to consider. My penguin name's Sunset93366 if you want to contact me.
Please reply,
That... is my e-mail.
I'm gonna go now. See ya lata for the Better Igloos cheats!
~Sunset AKA F.I.T.H

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